Artist Title Album Label
Elijah Larsen Intro to the episode
Elijah Larsen What is sex work and why does it need advocacy?
Christine Bruce content warning
Cybèle Lespérance Exposing the realities of sex work
Noam Chomsky PSA for community radio
Elijah Larsen Segue into the second half
Cybèle Lespérance On more of the challenges faced by the sex worker trade, what we’re learning when a country decriminalizes the activity and the ongoing stigma associated with sex work
Elijah Larsen A basic income guarantee would provide dignity for everyone

I recently read an opinion piece in The Tyee entitled, “Yes, You Can Oppose Trafficking and Support Sex Workers’ Rights” and I was reminded of my friend, Cybèle Lespérance. This is an abridged re-broadcast of The Red Umbrella, in recognition of International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers (December 17).

Cybèle is articulate, in multiple languages and the most powerful thing she uses her French for is sex workers advocacy. Cybèle is going to join me on the Cookie Jar to talk about sex workers rights. 



The Smithers Community Radio Society is an incorporated non-profit that manages a locally supported, volunteer operated community radio station. 

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PO box 834, Smithers B.C. V0J 2N0
