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Ep 9 - Trolls, Goats, and a Moon
Host: River WIlde
River Reads Fairy Tales and Stories, 'Not a Kids Show But Not NOT a Kids Show'
This week (April 22nd, 2023 @ 10am) from under Wilde’s stairs, River Reads' Episode 9 - Trolls, Goats, and a Moon. Reading from the collection of Norwegian folklore, East of the Sun and West of the Moon and Other Tales, by Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Engebretsen Moe. Wilde introduces a new segment, “gender blender”. In which, each week Wilde will select one fairy tale and flip all the genders and will reveal the following episode, which one. The suspense!!
This week on River Reads, in no particular order:
The Three Billy Goats Gruff. East of the Sun and West of the Moon; and Other Tales, Asbjørnsen, Peter Christen, 1812-1885, and Moe, Jørgen Engebretsen 1813-1882. Illustrated by Tom Vroman. Macmillan. New York, 1963.
The Husband to Mind the House. East of the Sun and West of the Moon; and Other Tales, Asbjørnsen, Peter Christen, 1812-1885, and Moe, Jørgen Engebretsen 1813-1882. Illustrated by Tom Vroman. Macmillan. New York, 1963.
The Giant Who Had No Heart In His Body. East of the Sun and West of the Moon; and Other Tales, Asbjørnsen, Peter Christen, 1812-1885, and Moe, Jørgen Engebretsen 1813-1882. Illustrated by Tom Vroman. Macmillan. New York, 1963.
The Princess on the Glass Hill. East of the Sun and West of the Moon; and Other Tales, Asbjørnsen, Peter Christen, 1812-1885, and Moe, Jørgen Engebretsen 1813-1882. Illustrated by Tom Vroman. Macmillan. New York, 1963.
River Reads is a program where those of all ages can escape into bedtime stories and fairy tales; both new and old, but mostly old and at times macabre, or silly, or even perhaps a little confusing as written in old english, and then there’s those stories whose premises or message has perhaps not aged as well over the years. Let’s face it you can’t be too picky when you’re dependent upon material available to you through creative commons.