The best in new and Canadian music, plus songs you shoulda heard by now. Oh, and nonsensical parody skits.
- Monday 3-4pm
- Wednesday 8-9am
Kispiox Valley Music Festival SHOWDOWN with Eli and Simonnnn
RIP Ray Liotta
RIP Jennie Malone
Pine pollen in my nose, to blow the whiz away
What are you thinking
How are you feeling
What have we done to each other
When you've got f**k-all inside you, you'll finally have something to say.
These are some of the things that I dig!!
Jesus would you look at the time.
Jeep's Blues and Naomi too. Hopefully un-blue.
Gets period.
Double steppin' out with Elaine and Stevennnnnnn
Holy bee daze, it's a biggie. Celebrate long-time listener Matt Dupon and my own dear dad!
Grandma Yvonne's birthday celebation show -- Mirelle Mathieu, Jacques Brel, Django Reinhardt, Belgium's big hitters!
As far back as I can remember, I wanted to be a pamster.
I need another birthday dedication show like I need a Joel in the head. Happy birthday Joel and Gwen!
Call me old fashioned, but I believe in one true future which is pretty hot and also cold and also what's a brontaroc
Betht Of 2021
The audio version of a Red Rider BB Gun
And a trifle uncool
I Di-Lish for Alisha's bday! Catch the dig, y'all!
I hope that I find what I'm reaching for. Oh, there is is. It was my phone.
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