The best in new and Canadian music, plus songs you shoulda heard by now. Oh, and nonsensical parody skits.

CRTC Category: 
Cat 2
  • Monday 3-4pm
  • Wednesday 8-9am
  • Kispiox Valley Music Festival SHOWDOWN with Eli and Simonnnn

  • Hollerin'

    RIP Ray Liotta

    RIP Jennie Malone


  • Pine pollen in my nose, to blow the whiz away

  • What are you thinking

    How are you feeling

    What have we done to each other

  • When you've got f**k-all inside you, you'll finally have something to say.

  • These are some of the things that I dig!!

  • Jesus would you look at the time.

  • Jeep's Blues and Naomi too. Hopefully un-blue. 

  • Gets period. 

  • Double steppin' out with Elaine and Stevennnnnnn

  • Holy bee daze, it's a biggie. Celebrate long-time listener Matt Dupon and my own dear dad!


  • Grandma Yvonne's birthday celebation show -- Mirelle Mathieu, Jacques Brel, Django Reinhardt, Belgium's big hitters!

  • As far back as I can remember, I wanted to be a pamster.

  • I need another birthday dedication show like I need a Joel in the head. Happy birthday Joel and Gwen!

  • Call me old fashioned, but I believe in one true future which is pretty hot and also cold and also what's a brontaroc

  • Betht Of 2021

  • The audio version of a Red Rider BB Gun

  • And a trifle uncool

  • I Di-Lish for Alisha's bday! Catch the dig, y'all!

  • I hope that I find what I'm reaching for. Oh, there is is. It was my phone.

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The Smithers Community Radio Society is an incorporated non-profit that manages a locally supported, volunteer operated community radio station. 

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Smithers Community Radio
Train Car - Central Park
PO box 834, Smithers B.C. V0J 2N0
