Roots Music - "Refers to several styles or trends in music including: Folk, Country, Bluegrass, Americana, Rockabilly, Western Swing, and Traditional". Join host, Greg Auld, on Thursday mornings to start your week off with a variety of roots music, new and old.
- Thursday 9-11am
It's Jan 23, 2025. The ice is strong with this world, watch your step. These are the roots....
Merry Christmas 2024 everyone! Here's your fix with The Roots Christmas special.
It's December in, well, everywhere! Hope you're all staying warm and happy.
Winter's coming!
Happy Hallowe'en to the Bulkley Valley and beyond!
Let's fill yer boots with some roots! It's Thursday March 28, 2024, the sun is out and these are the roots....
Winter's still kickin' in the valley and The Roots is here to (hopefully) chase away any blahs and put some joy into
Grossest Feb 1 ever! Battle the rainy grey blahs with some roots music here on the Roots!
Happy New Year all! Welcome to the first episode of 2024 with an emphasis on the singer/songwriter.
It's The Roots Christmas special, 2023! Merry Christmas everyone from my family to yours.
Dec 7, 2023 and these are the roots....
It's Thursday, Nov 9, 2023. It's raining and these are the roots...
Fall is here! Welcome to the last show of no snow in 2023.
After an incredibly busy summer, I have returned with a spooky Hallowe'en special just for you!
It's May 25, 2023 and welcome to The Roots tribute to Gordon Lightfoot, possible Canada's greatest musician.
Back for a pre-summer episode of the Roots! Welcome to April 27, 2023. These are the roots...
Spring is in the air! Snow is melting, birds are chirping, and the crows are nesting!
It's March 2, 2023 and I hope you enjoy the show! These are the roots!
It's "winter" in the valley and I'm looking forward to sharing some old and new music with y'all this morning.
Last show of 2022! Settle in and enjoy, these are the roots...
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